The Relevance of Beauty in the Digital Age
Did Christopher Nolan Make an Ancient Greek Tragedy? Review of Oppenheimer
The Tao of Yeats Meets Zuckerberg's Mechanism
“Tolstoy’s Moments Beyond the Clock”
The novel fits modernity like hand fits glove. That’s why Tolstoy’s claim that he hadn’t made a “novel” but, rather, an “icon” is so extraordinary.
“The shrinking, post-human vocabulary of our tone-deaf culture”
Does the “mechanization” of our music lead to a reduction in the complexity of our emotions?
The Great Books in the Age of Flattening
“Lewis vs Lichtenstein”
Strange as it may sound, C.S. Lewis hated cars. And newspapers. And zippers. Really.
“Dante and Orpheus in the Age of Flatness ”
In order to prepare for the Catholic Imagination Conference, I speculate on why it is that, after 700 years, Dante is still ubiquitous.

“The Nine Billion Names of God”
what medieval cosmology can tell us about contemporary science
Church Life Journal, December 2021
Travel, Technology, Literature
“The Universe as It Should Be”
I reflect on my experience of living on Ischia with my family and friends to reawaken a mysterious passage in Dante.
“What Our Selfies Are Doing to Ourselves”
I go to Skogafoss in Iceland and encounter our consumerist culture in action.

If you’re the mood for something a bit more academic, you can find my piece on Dante and lectio divina, here. It appeared in the theological journal, Nova et Vetera, in 2021.
“What We Lost at Notre Dame”
What did Notre Dame feel like to medieval viewers? Can that help us in rebuilding Notre Dame? Advice for Macron.
“Globalism, Technology, and… Poetry?: Can the Humanities Do Anything for the Modern World?”
Originally a talk at the University of Arkansas for a group of MBA and Law students, I try to take on the challenge: come on, do we really need the liberal arts anymore?